Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hello Everyone!! ...Everyone?? Hello??

Dear Diary

It has been for-bloody-ever since my last blog.

So much done so little to say.

Despite all my ranting and raving (like the lunatic I have turned into), I had to get my butt out and look for a job.


Clearly, hats aren't all I though they were in South Africa yet.

So, now I working for a big agency, 8-6 daily, and that wonderful scourge of the earth, the laptop, ensures that I get a serious wad of after hour and weekend work in as well.

The Princeling has started nursery school, Princess 2 has started primary school and Princess 1 has suddenly popped into this young miss.

My husband lost his job (well - 'sort of' parted ways with his company seeing as they were going downhill as it was) - nothing like not getting paid for 3 months - of one being December, to kick you in the butt.

But there it is.

The mothers are still here, ruling my roost, and my therapist has gone up by R200 since I last saw him 18 months ago! The nerve...does he not understand this expense works even more on my feelings of guilt??? Bastard.

So there.

I will sign up again when I have two minutes to myself. Which seems to be never, really. And we will catch up again.

1 comment:

Terri said...

wow your back! was wondering if you fell off the face of the earth!!!! lol and penguin isnt writing either! I miss you both..I gather you didnt go back too far in my blog..or you would have seen I'm losing my eye sight! havd surgery in one eye already..
I haven't written much lately been very ill, but the stories are bursting to come out so I may pull an allnighter and write three or four or more at once and pre post them! lol anyway great to hear from you, left you comments on my sight. welcome back???lol hope to keep hearing from you. Terri