Men are just genetically different from us.
Finished and klaar.
You cannot hold them responsible for their actions, as I now firmly believe that they cannot help it. It is genetic.
Study the picture below:
OK. Here is what you are looking at:
* One 800 ounce pien hammer.
* One pair of 'Titivate' plastic toddlers girls dress-up shoes.
The left shoe has several large holes punched into it.
Making it practically unwearable.
How is it that a three year old can wreck so much damage in the two minutes that he is not being watched?
Why must he always find a stick / pole / hammer / axe / knife to play with? Can't he just KICK A BALL like other boys of his age, for goodness sake????? Why did he have to inherit the ancient Scottish Lust for Battle (from his father's side I might family are (mostly) normal)..
How is it that a five year old can screech so continuously at such a high pitch for such a long time before being able to tell you what the issue is?
I swear, there are some days. And today is one of them.
It is not even 9:30am yet. I have not even brushed my hair yet. I have managed the teeth though.
What is with my kids?? I am going to ask the question that I have been silently mulling around in my head, whilst brow-beatenly staring at the
Let us study some pictures of my humble abode:
This is a slide. It is made of plastic or something. Whatever. The point is, it is heavy.
It normally stands on the jungle gym.
The Heir (pictured on the right) has SINGLE HANDEDLY removed it from the jungle gym and put it squarely on the trampoline.
By himself.
Which they now hardly ever use.
You are looking at :
* One Bentley belt (swimming safety ring)
* One dolls poncho (which I might add is one of my doll's which was dug out of the storeroom and is now 34 years old!)
* One plastic soccer ball.
* One empty McDonalds Chocolate Sundae cup
* One used plastic McDonalds ice cream spoon
(there is another set like this lying close by)
* A hair decoration
* A pair of sandals that has (honestly) been there for two days now)
And yes, this was after I told them not to play there as the wet soil is not wet as a result of a burst water pipe.....
....anyone blame me for not feeling huggy kissy?
* Several hose pipes. All uncoiled by a three year old with superpowers.
* A wooden gun.
You are looking at:
* a garden pick.
* A rusted pipe removed during the pipe replacing process (at least this one was JUST water)
* A toy scooter
* A broken pram chassy set which is now used as a kids push/pull cart.
* Several empty tins. No idea.
The general state of the average doll:
* naked
* headless / armless / legless
And this is only outside. The list is endless.
The point is. My kids live like pigs. Or am I obsessive compulsive.
Is this normal? Do other peoples kids also mess this much? Is it a lot? Is it little? I don't know!
My house is a kids paradise. Jungle gyms, swimming pool. Geese. Dogs, cats. Birds. Toys, toys and more toys. A doll's house. Child friendly safety. (Except for the current drain works!)
Decorated rooms. Expensive toy storing systems in each room.
Yet, it feels like it is all taken for granted. I feel utterly brow beaten.
I have taken a stance not to smack the kids, as I have made this mistake with my stepson. Which I regret to this day. Also, if I start, I fear I won't stop. And besides, it's not fair - I am SO much bigger than them. And it also hurts my hand and leaves me out of breath. So - it is just all round not an enjoyable experience.
Yet I ask myself everyday (when being smacked in the face by The Heir like 5:30 this morning because he is not getting his way) :
Am I undisciplined? Should I get up and smack and shriek like a witch? Be the bad cop?
I don't know - maybe other mothers go through the same?
Do they?
Oh my I would have gotten a belt across my ass if I hadn't picked my stuff up! lol Spanking IS a PERSONAL choice,I do believe in it when NEEDED...But I found that taking things away that they REALLY love works pretty good too..and if that don't work I warned that if it was there after they went to bed I was throwing it away..after doing this a few times they got the hint that their toys,shoes,clothes,etc. would get thrown in the garbage and wasn't getting replaced,they started picking up!..( I used to do child care, and their mother thsnks me to this day for my sterness,when she couldn't do it! Of course I told her what I wanted to do,and she agreed to the throwing away when all else failed!)I don't blame you for being upset,sounds like you might have lost some control..I guess it depends on how much you want to put up with to male children? hide the I couldn't believe you said he moved that slide! wow he must be really strong! lol
and NO offense meant by anything I said,it's just my opinion,it's not my place to judge anyone.
Hey you could try some kind of reward thing for picking up stuff!
Just have to try different things to see what works for your children..
Good luck Lorraine!
Ha! As I was taking the pics the girls both said: What are you doing?
I ignored them and continued taking pics.
Again: "Mommy - what are you doing?"
I carried on a while like this.
The native were getting VERY restless.
Eventually , I confessed.
"I am taking a picture of every toy and piece of rubbish lying around. Then I am going to mail it to ALL my friends and ALL our family, so that everyone sees what a bunch of pigs I have to live with and how disgusting our house is."
I tell you - it was exactly 20 minutes and it was all cleared up!!!
Yay!! I have found a carrot!!
PS - no offense at the comments - I appreciate it all very much - sometimes I feel like I am living in this one-celled vacuum!
LOL good for you!so they dont' want to be embarrassed huh?. Good,hopefully the thought of everyone seeing that will cure them! you can only hope!
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